Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)
This year, Seventy-First High School is utilizing the PBIS program from PBIS Rewards
We are using this program for:
-virtual hall passes
-reward events (both school wide and in your classroom)
-teacher rewards
-parent communication. Parents will be able to sign up for the program and get notifications when their student has been rewarded for positive behavior.
-referring students to the counseling office if they seem like they need extra support.
-more to be decided by the PBIS committee!
We are hopeful, this will go a long way towards the mission and vision of a safe and caring school environment for all stakeholders.
How it Works:
Students create their student account and what our PBIS expectations are.They can log into the system and update their profile picture.
Teacher give rewards to students! There are a lot of awesome items at the teacher store: Falcon t-shirts, camping chairs, bleacher seats, blankets, and more to come! Students can earn points for logging into the program, giving student rewards, and shout outs from other teachers. Any teacher who see someone going above and beyond can use the teacher portal to shout them out and give them points.
Each student will be issued PBIS cards which can be used as hall passes.
There will be a PBIS student of the month from each grade level. They will be receiving a special PBIS prize with items TBD.
PBIS committee will determine the specific point goals for student rewards.
General Guidelines On How To SOAR!
In the Classroom:
Safe: Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Organized: Come on time, prepared, and ready to work.
Achieve: Work well with other students. Actively participate in class.
Respectful: Watch your tone. Do not raise your voice.
In the Cafeteria:
Safe: Walk! Form single-file lines.
Organized: Throw away all trash. Do not throw food.
Achieve: Get food quickly. Get back to class on time.
Respectful: Listen for directions. Use table manners.
In the Media Center:
Safe: Check out books with the Librarian. Be considerate of the property of others.
Organized: Leave the library clean. Return items to their original places.
Achieve: Stay quiet and on task.
Respectful: Follow the Media Center rules.
In the Restroom:
Safe: Use a bathroom pass. Return to class quickly.
Organized: Clean up trash and water spills. Use quiet voices.
Achieve: Use restrooms during class changes or lunch.
Respectful: Dispose of trash in the trash can.
In the Hallway:
Safe: Walk to class quickly. Wear clothing that follows the dress code.
Organized: Walk on the right side of the hallway. Stay on the designated hall.
Achieve: Always “walk and talk” to be on time.
Respectful: Keep your hands to yourself. Use appropriate language.
In the Parking Lot:
Safe: Follow speed limit. Wear your seat belt.
Organized: Park in designated areas. Keep all areas clean.
Achieve: Always have your parking decal displayed on the windshield.
Respectful: Respect others’ property.
On the Bus:
Safe: Stay seated at all times. Follow all procedures for a safe ride.
Organized: Keep your bus clean. Board the bus in an orderly manner.
Achieve: Arrive 10 minutes before pick-up. Set a positive image.
Respectful: Respect the rules, drivers, and passengers. Use appropriate language.